Project Milestones


The purpose of the milestones is to help you monitoring your progress throughout the semester.

In each milestone session, each project group briefly presents their current process and we can discuss open questions (approx. 1 min presentation + 3 min discussion per group).

For this purpose, each group is supposed to prepare 1 slide (singular!) for each of the milestones and upload them on Ilias until midnight before the respective session.


Check out the schedule for the actual dates.

Goals to be reached:

  • You selected a paper and a dataset to replicate
  • You extracted the central hypotheses of the paper

Slides: Prepare 1 Slide showing:

  • Teamname + Members
  • The general idea of the experiment
  • The main research question
  • The main analysis you will perform (ERP, Time-Frequency, Source-space, others)

Research questions can often be answered by a β€œyes” or β€œno”.

Goals to be reached:

  • Map out the required analysis pipeline of the authors
  • Compare this to the analysis pipeline you want to do
  • Downloaded + Loaded the data. Have a first impression

Slides: Prepare 1 slide showing:

  • The central research question (one sentence, very brief)
  • A table with the authors + your pipeline

Not all authors do a good job to clearly communicate how their pipeline looked like. Add notes when you are unsure!

Goals to be reached:

  • Implemented a preprocessing pipeline
  • One single subject analyzed

Slides: Prepare 1 slide showing: - Your improved pipeline - First results of one subject (e.g. an ERP or similar)

Goals to be reached:

  • Pipeline ran for all subjects
  • Further outliers / problems identified

Slides: Provide 1-2 slides with results of your sanity checks.

Sanity checks could be (depending on project, come up with your own!)
- ICA topography quality - ERP Signal-To-Noise

Goals to be reached:

  • You should by now be close to replicate (or not!) the results of the authors
  • You should think of an additional analysis (e.g. ERP, decoding, linear model, time-frequency, source-space) to run on this data.

Slides: Prepare 2 slides listing:

  • (Slide 1) the current state of replication vs. not
  • (Slide 2) your ideas on what to look at next