Signal processing and analysis of human brain potentials (EEG) [Exercise 5]


T: Load simulation dataset by x = ccs_eeg_utils.simulate_ICA(dims=2) and plot it. We will write simple ICA algorithm to try to return the original signals

Remember that for ICA we have to undo a scaling and a rotation. The scaling we can do by whitening our signal x. The sphering (=whitening) matrix is the inverse of the matrix-squareroot of the covariance matrix of x.

In order to whiten (x_white), we have to remove the mean of x and then calculate the matrix product with the sphering matrix sph*x. Now we are ready to try a extermely simple, naive, restricted and stupid ICA algorithm:

We simply rotate the signal using a 2D rotation matrix and for each rotatio calculate the kurtosis

turn =lambda k: np.reshape(np.array([np.cos(k), np.sin(k), -np.sin(k), np.cos(k)]),(2,2))


for t in 0:pi
    x_bar = turn(t) * x_white

The solution to ICA would be then argmax(kurtosis_list).

T: Plot the solution!

Bonus If you want to be fancy, you can also generate an animation linking kurtosis + rotating the datapoints + marginal histograms together

T: Next we will use the infomax algorithm implemented in mne (you could try implementing it yourself, but I found an effective adjustment of learning rate quite tricky). you can call the infomax algorithm using mne.preprocessing.infomax(x.T,verbose=True). Run it on x = ccs_eeg_utils.simulate_ICA(dims=4) and plot the signals before and after.

ICA on EEG data

T: Now we are ready to run ICA on real EEG data. Select a dataset from a previous exercise and start the ICA (you can downsample the data to speed up ICA calculation raw.resample(100)).

from mne_bids import (BIDSPath,read_raw_bids)
import mne_bids
bids_root = "../local/bids"
subject_id = '030'

bids_path = BIDSPath(subject=subject_id,task="P3",session="P3",
                     datatype='eeg', suffix='eeg',

raw = read_raw_bids(bids_path)
raw.filter(0.5,50, fir_design='firwin')

Generate an ICA object ica= mne.preprocessing.ICA(method="fastica")

fit the ICA on the data.,verbose=True)

After the fit (can take some minutes) you can plot the component using ica.plot_components()

If you want to inspect a specific component, you can select it using ica.plot_properties(raw,picks=[3]).

In order to exclude components, write: ica.exclude = [3,4,16]

You can then compare the EEG before & after using:

# ica.apply() changes the Raw object in-place, so let's make a copy first:
reconst_raw = raw.copy()


Or use one of MNEs functionalities: `ica.plot_overlay(raw,exclude=[1,8,9])