Signal processing and analysis of human brain potentials (EEG) [Exercise 5]


We will write simple ICA algorithm to try to return the original unmixed signals based on a simulation example.

Task: load the simulation dataset by x = ccs_eeg_utils.simulate_ICA(dims=2) and plot it.

Remember that for ICA we have to undo a scaling and a rotation. The scaling we can do by whitening our signal x. The sphering (=whitening) matrix is the inverse of the matrix-squareroot of the covariance matrix of x.

In order to whiten (x_white), we have to remove the mean of x and then calculate the matrix product with the sphering matrix sph*x.

Task: Whiten the data!

Now we are ready to try a extermely simple, naive, restricted and inefficient ICA algorithm:

We will rotate the signal using a 2D rotation matrix and for each rotatio calculate the sum of the absolute valued kurtosis (use e.g. scp.stats.kurtosis). Later we will try to find the maximum value, which will be the rotation for the most non-normal signal - hopefully the unmixed one

turn =lambda k: np.reshape(np.array([np.cos(k), np.sin(k), -np.sin(k), np.cos(k)]),(2,2))

Task: Implement the following pseudocode

for t in 0:pi
    x_bar = turn(t) * x_white

The solution to ICA would be then argmax(kurtosis_list).

Task: Plot the solution!

Bonus If you want to be fancy, you can also generate an animation linking kurtosis + rotating the datapoints + marginal histograms together


Next we will use the infomax algorithm implemented in mne (you could try implementing it yourself, but I found an effective adjustment of learning rate quite tricky). you can call the infomax algorithm using mne.preprocessing.infomax(x.T,verbose=True).

Task: Run it on x = ccs_eeg_utils.simulate_ICA(dims=4) and plot the signals before and after.

ICA on EEG data

Now we are ready to run ICA on real EEG data.

Task: Select the dataset from a previous exercise and start the ICA

You could downsample the data to speed up ICA calculation via raw.resample(100).

from mne_bids import (BIDSPath,read_raw_bids)
import mne_bids
bids_root = "../local/bids"
subject_id = '030'

bids_path = BIDSPath(subject=subject_id,task="P3",session="P3",
                     datatype='eeg', suffix='eeg',

raw = read_raw_bids(bids_path)
raw.filter(0.5,50, fir_design='firwin')
  1. Generate an ICA object ica= mne.preprocessing.ICA(method="fastica")

  2. fit the ICA on the data.,verbose=True)

  3. After the fit (can take some minutes) you can plot the component using ica.plot_components()

  4. If you want to inspect a specific component, you can select it using ica.plot_properties(raw,picks=[3]).

  5. In order to exclude components, write: ica.exclude = [3,4,16]

You can then compare the EEG before & after using:

# ica.apply() changes the Raw object in-place, so let's make a copy first:
reconst_raw = raw.copy()


Or use one of MNEs functionalities: `ica.plot_overlay(raw,exclude=[1,8,9])