Signal processing and analysis of human brain potentials (EEG) [Exercise 1]


In this exercise we will install the mne-python toolbox, download a example dataset, make some basic visualizations and epoch, average and visualize the resulting ERPs.

What we are doing is roughly outlined in the “What is EEG” video lecture.

Install MNE toolbox

run pip install mne or if you like conda: conda install -c conda-forge mne

similarly, install pip install mne-bids, a tool to load the EEG data easily.

Test the installation by import mne

Download data

We will be using a typical P3 oddball dataset. We expect a positive response over parietal/central electrodes (Cz/Pz) starting at 300-400ms, something like this.

If you want to read the details you can find it here. You can also investigate the sub-030_task-P3_eeg.json for a task description which is one of the files you will download next:

Please download the data from here

Next, you need the file which you can add to your python code e.g. via

import sys

Load data & plot continuous EEG

# Load the data
from mne_bids import (BIDSPath,read_raw_bids)

# path where to save the datasets.
bids_root = "../local/bids"
subject_id = '030' # recommend subject 30 for now

bids_path = BIDSPath(subject=subject_id,task="P3",session="P3",
                     datatype='eeg', suffix='eeg',

# read the file
raw = read_raw_bids(bids_path)
# fix the annotations readin

Task: Extract a single channel and plot the whole timeseries.


You can directly interact with the raw object, e.g. raw[1:10,1:5000], which extracts the first 10 channels and 5000 samples.

You can also use raw.get_data() to get the whole data as a numpy array.

For now we can use simple matplotlib to visualize the data, e.g.:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

Question: What is the range of the data (in sense of min-y to max-y in µ-volt)?

Task: Have a look at and note down what the sampling frequency is (how many EEG-samples per second)


Task: We will epoch the data now. Formost we will cut the raw data to one channel using raw.pick(["Cz"]) - note that this will permanently change the raw object and removes alle other channels from memory. If you want rather a copy you could use raw_subselect = raw.copy().pick(["Cz"])).

Task Let’s investigate the annotation markers. Have a look at raw.annotations. These values reflect the values in the bids *_events.tsv file (have a look at this file via ../local/bids/sub-030/sub-030_task-P3_events.tsv). BIDS is a new standard to share neuroimaging and other physiological data. It is not really a fileformat, but more of a folder & filename structure with some additional json files. I highly recommend to put your data into bids-format as soon as possible. It helps you stay organized and on top of things!

Task MNE-speciality: We have to convert annotations to events with evts,evts_dict = mne.events_from_annotations(raw). Have a look at evts - it shows you the sample, the duration and event-id (with the look-up table evts_dict). In this case we only want to look at stimulus evoked responses, so we subset the event table (note: this could be done after epoching too)

# get all keys which contain "stimulus"
wanted_keys = [e for e in evts_dict.keys() if "stimulus" in e]
# subset the large event-dictionairy
evts_dict_stim=dict((k, evts_dict[k]) for k in wanted_keys if k in evts_dict)

Task Epoch the data with epochs = mne.Epochs(raw,evts,evts_dict_stim,tmin=-0.1,tmax=1)

Task Now that we have the epochs we should plot them. Plot all trials ‘manually’, (without using mne’s functionality) (epochs.get_data()).


You should plot one line per trial.

Question What is the scale-range of the epoched data now?

My first ERP

Task But which epochs belong to targets and which to distractors? This is hidden in the event-description. Using the following lines you can find out which indices belong to which trial-types

target = ["stimulus:{}{}".format(k,k) for k in [1,2,3,4,5]]
distractor = ["stimulus:{}{}".format(k,j) for k in [1,2,3,4,5] for j in [1,2,3,4,5] if k!=j]

Now index the epochs evoked = epochs[index].average() and average them. You can then plot them either via evoked.plot() or with mne.viz.plot_compare_evokeds([evokedA,evokedB]).

Question What is the unit/scale of the data now? Set it into context to the other two scales you reported before