using ClusterDepth
using Random
using CairoMakie
using UnfoldSim
using Unfold
using UnfoldMakie
using Statistics

How to use the ClusterDepth multiple comparison correction on multichannel data

This tutorial is adapted from the single-channel EEG example, and complements it with the HArtMuT NYhead model ( to simulate multiple channels.

First set up the EEG simulation as before, with one subject and 40 trials:

design =
    SingleSubjectDesign(conditions=Dict(:condition => ["car", "face"])) |>
    x -> RepeatDesign(x, 40);
p1 = LinearModelComponent(;
    basis=p100(; sfreq=250),
    formula=@formula(0 ~ 1),

n170 = LinearModelComponent(;
    basis=UnfoldSim.n170(; sfreq=250),
    formula=@formula(0 ~ 1 + condition),
    β=[1.0, 0.5], # condition effect - faces are more negative than cars
p300 = LinearModelComponent(;
    basis=UnfoldSim.p300(; sfreq=250),
    formula=@formula(0 ~ 1 + condition),
    β=[1.0, 0], # no p300 condition effect

Now choose some source coordinates for each of the p100, n170, p300 that we want to simulate, and use the helper function closest_srcs to get the HArtMuT sources that are closest to these coordinates:

src_coords = [
    [20, -78, -10], #p100
    [-20, -78, -10], #p100
    [50, -40, -25], #n170
    [0, -50, 40], #p300
    [0, 5, 20], #p300

headmodel_HArtMuT = headmodel()
get_closest =
    coord ->
        UnfoldSim.closest_src(coord, headmodel_HArtMuT.cortical["pos"]) |>
        pi -> magnitude(headmodel_HArtMuT; type="perpendicular")[:, pi]

p1_l = p1 |> c -> MultichannelComponent(c, get_closest([-20, -78, -10]))
p1_r = p1 |> c -> MultichannelComponent(c, get_closest([20, -78, -10]))
n170_r = n170 |> c -> MultichannelComponent(c, get_closest([50, -40, -25]))
p300_do = p300 |> c -> MultichannelComponent(c, get_closest([0, -50, -40]))
p300_up = p300 |> c -> MultichannelComponent(c, get_closest([0, 5, 20]))

data, events = simulate(
    [p1_l, p1_r, n170_r, p300_do, p300_up],
    UniformOnset(; offset=0.5 * 250, width=100),
Please cite: HArtMuT: Harmening Nils, Klug Marius, Gramann Klaus and Miklody Daniel - 10.1088/1741-2552/aca8ce


This is what the data looks like, for one channel/trial respectively:

f = Figure()
Axis(f[1, 1], title="Single channel, all trials", xlabel="time", ylabel="y")
series!(data[1, :, :]', solid_color=(:black, 0.1))
lines!(mean(data[1, :, :], dims=2)[:, 1], color=:red)
hlines!([0], color=:gray)

Axis(f[2, 1], title="All channels, average over trials", xlabel="time", ylabel="y")
series!(mean(data, dims=3)[:, :, 1], solid_color=(:black, 0.1))
hlines!([0], color=:gray)
Example block output

And some topoplots:

positions = [
    Point2f(p[1] + 0.5, p[2] + 0.5) for
    p in to_positions(headmodel_HArtMuT.electrodes["pos"]')

df = UnfoldMakie.eeg_array_to_dataframe(
    mean(data, dims=3)[:, :, 1],
Δbin = 20 # 20 samples / bin
    visual=(; enlarge=1, label_scatter=false),
Example block output


Now that the simulation is done, let's try out ClusterDepth and plot our results Note that this is a simple test of "activity" vs. 0

pvals = clusterdepth(data; τ=1.6, nperm=200);
fig, ax, hm = heatmap(transpose(pvals), colorscale=log10)
ax.title = "pvals";
ax.xlabel = "time";
ax.ylabel = "channel";
Colorbar(fig[:, end+1], hm);
Example block output

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