using ClusterDepth
using Random
using CairoMakie
using UnfoldSim
using StatsBase
using Distributions
using DataFrames
using Unfold
using UnfoldMakie
How to use the ClusterDepth multiple comparison correction
This tutorial focuses on single-channel data. For multichannel data, see the tutorial "Further EEG Example".
Simulating test-data
Let's setup an EEG simulation using UnfoldSim.jl. We simulate a one factor 1x2 design with 20 subjects, each with 40 trials
n_subjects = 20
design = MultiSubjectDesign(
items_between=Dict(:condition => ["car", "face"]),
first(generate_events(design), 3)
Row | subject | item | condition |
String | String | String | |
1 | S01 | I01 | car |
2 | S01 | I02 | face |
3 | S01 | I03 | car |
Next we define a ground-truth signal based on a Linear Mixed Model.
We simulate a P100, a N170 and a P300 - but an effect only on the N170
p1 = MixedModelComponent(;
basis=UnfoldSim.p100(; sfreq=250),
formula=@formula(0 ~ 1 + (1 | subject)),
σs=Dict(:subject => [1]),
n170 = MixedModelComponent(;
basis=UnfoldSim.n170(; sfreq=250),
formula=@formula(0 ~ 1 + condition + (1 + condition | subject)),
β=[1.0, -0.5], # condition effect - faces are more negative than cars
σs=Dict(:subject => [1, 0.2]), # random slope yes please!
p300 = MixedModelComponent(;
basis=UnfoldSim.p300(; sfreq=250),
formula=@formula(0 ~ 1 + condition + (1 + condition | subject)),
β=[1.0, 0], ## no p300 condition effect
σs=Dict(:subject => [1, 1.0]), # but a random slope for condition
data, events = simulate(
[p1, n170, p300],
UniformOnset(; offset=500, width=100),
times = range(0, stop=size(data, 1) / 250, length=size(data, 1));
Fit a model to each subject
We now have data, but no multiple comparison problem yet - we have to fit one analysis regression model to each time-point of each subject. Thereby, we perform 113 tests and would (without multiple testing correction) expect 5-6 samples to be significant, even if there is no true effect (but there is one ;)).
In principle, we do not need Unfold here - we could simply calculate (subjectwise) means of the conditions, and their time-resolved difference. Using Unfold.jl here simply generalizes it to more complex design, e.g. with continuous predictors etc.
models = map(
(d, ev) -> (
fit(UnfoldModel, @formula(0 ~ 1 + condition), DataFrame(ev), d, times),
eachslice(data; dims=3),
groupby(events, :subject),
Progress: 2%|▊ | ETA: 0:00:19
Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00
now we can inspect the data easily, and extract the face-effect
function add_subject!(df, s)
df[!, :subject] .= s
return df
allEffects =
(x) ->
(effects(Dict(:condition => ["car", "face"]), x[1]), x[2]) |>
(x) -> add_subject!(x[1], x[2]),
) |> e -> reduce(vcat, e)
plot_erp(allEffects; mapping=(color=:condition, group=:subject))

Every line is from one subject, the color indicates our two conditions.
It is easier to see potential differences if we would plot the difference:
First we extract all coefficients in a nice, tidy DataFrame
allCoefs =
map(m -> (coeftable(m[1]), m[2]) |>
(x) -> add_subject!(x[1], x[2]), models) |>
e -> reduce(vcat, e)
plot_erp(allCoefs; mapping=(group=:subject, col=:coefname))

This plot now shows the intercept (in our contrast-case the condition:"car"
ERP), and the difference curve.
Next we unstack the tidy-coef table into a matrix and put it to clusterdepth for clusterpermutation testing
faceCoefs = allCoefs |> x -> subset(x, :coefname => x -> x .== "condition: face")
erpMatrix =
unstack(faceCoefs, :subject, :time, :estimate) |> x -> Matrix(x[:, 2:end])' |> collect
"113×20 Matrix{Union{Missing, Float64}}"
pvals = clusterdepth(erpMatrix; τ=quantile(TDist(n_subjects - 1), 0.95), nperm=5000);
well - that was fast, less than a second for a cluster permutation test. not bad at all!
Some plotting, and we add the identified cluster
first calculate the ERP
faceERP =
groupby(faceCoefs, [:time, :coefname]) |>
x -> combine(x, :estimate => mean => :estimate, :estimate => (x -> std(x) / sqrt(length(x))) => :stderror);
put the pvalues into a nicer format
pvalDF =
ClusterDepth.cluster(pvals .<= 0.05) |>
x -> DataFrame(
:from => x[1] ./ 250,
:to => (x[1] .+ x[2]) ./ 250,
:coefname => "condition: face",
plot_erp(faceERP; stderror=true, significance=pvalDF)

Looks good! We identified the cluster :-)
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