using ClusterDepth
using Random
using CairoMakie
using UnfoldSim
using StatsBase
using ProgressMeter
using Distributions

Family Wise Error of Troendle

Here we calculate the Family Wise Error of doing ntests at the same time. That is, we want to check that Troendle indeed returns us a type-1 of 5% for a set of tests.

The point being, that if you do 30 tests, the chance that one is significant is not 5% but actually

(1 - (1 - 0.05)^30) * 100 ##%

Let's setup some simulation parameters

reps = 1000
perms = 1000
ntests = 30;

we will use the student-t in it's 2-sided variant (abs of it)

fun = x -> abs.(ClusterDepth.studentt(x));

this function simulates data without any effect (H0), then the permutations, and finally calls troendle

function run_fun(r, perms, fun, ntests)
    rng = MersenneTwister(r)
    data = randn(rng, ntests, 50)
    perm = Matrix{Float64}(undef, size(data, 1), perms)
    stat = fun(data)
    for p = 1:perms
        ClusterDepth.sign_permute!(rng, data)
        perm[:, p] = fun(data)
    return data, stat, troendle(perm, stat)

let's test it once

data, stats_t, pvals = run_fun(1, perms, fun, ntests);
println("data:", size(data), " t-stats:", size(stats_t), " pvals:", size(pvals))
data:(30, 50) t-stats:(30,) pvals:(30,)

run the above function reps=1000` times - we also save the uncorrected t-based pvalue

pvals_all = fill(NaN, reps, 2, ntests)
Threads.@threads for r = 1:reps
    data, stat, pvals = run_fun(r, perms, fun, ntests)
    pvals_all[r, 1, :] = pvals
    pvals_all[r, 2, :] = (1 .- cdf.(TDist(size(data, 2)), abs.(stat))) .* 2 # * 2 becaue of twosided. Troendle takes this into account already

Let's check in how many of our simlations we have a significant p-value =<0.05

res = any(pvals_all[:, :, :] .<= 0.05, dims=3)[:, :, 1]
mean(res .> 0, dims=1) |> x -> (:troendle => x[1], :uncorrected => x[2])
(:troendle => 0.019, :uncorrected => 0.792)

Nice. Troendle corrects the data and we are below 0.05. The uncorrected simulations are close to what we calculated above!

Finally we end this with a short figure to get a better idea of how this data looks like and a histogram of the p-values

f = Figure()
ax = f[1, 1] = Axis(f, title="t-values")

lines!(ax, abs.(ClusterDepth.studentt(data)))
heatmap!(Axis(f[1, 2], title="heatmap of data"), data)
series!(Axis(f[2, 2], title="data: subset of left plot"), data[:, 1:7]')
h1 = scatter!(Axis(f[2, 1]; yscale=log10, title="troendle pvals"), pvals, label="troendle")

hlines!([0.05, 0.01])

hist!(Axis(f[3, 1], title="troendle corrected"), pvals_all[:, 1, :][:], bins=0:0.01:1.1)
hist!(Axis(f[3, 2], title="uncorrected"), pvals_all[:, 2, :][:], bins=0:0.01:1.1)
Example block output

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