using ClusterDepth
using Random
using CairoMakie
using UnfoldSim
using StatsBase
using Distributions
using DataFrames

Family Wise Error of ClusterDepth

Here we calculate the Family Wise Error the ClusterDepth Correct That is, we want to check that pvalues we get, indeed return us a type-1 of 5% for all time-points The point being, that if you do tests on 113 timepoints, the chance that one is significant is not 5% but

(1 - (1 - 0.05)^113) * 100 ##%

Setup Simulation

Let's setup a simulation using UnfoldSim.jl. We simulate a simple 1x2 design with 20 subjects

n_subjects = 20
design = MultiSubjectDesign(n_subjects=n_subjects, n_items=2, items_between=Dict(:condition => ["small", "large"]))
first(generate_events(design), 5)
5×3 DataFrame

Next we define a ground-truth signal + relation to events/design with Wilkinson Formulas. we want no condition effect, therefore β for the condition should be 0. We further add some inter-subject variability with the mixed models. We will use a simulated P300 signal, which at 250Hz has 113 samples.

signal = MixedModelComponent(;
    basis=UnfoldSim.p300(; sfreq=250),
    formula=@formula(0 ~ 1 + condition + (1 | subject)),
    β=[1.0, 0.0],
    σs=Dict(:subject => [1]),

Let's move the actual simulation into a function, so we can call it many times. Note that we use (RedNoise)[] which has lot's of Autocorrelation between timepoints. nice!

function run_fun(r)
    data, events = simulate(MersenneTwister(r), design, signal, UniformOnset(; offset=5, width=4), RedNoise(noiselevel=1); return_epoched=true)
    data = reshape(data, size(data, 1), :)
    data = data[:, events.condition.=="small"] .- data[:, events.condition.=="large"]

    return data, clusterdepth(data'; τ=quantile(TDist(n_subjects - 1), 0.95), nperm=1000)

Understanding the simulation

let's have a look at the actual data by running it once, plotting condition wise trials, the ERP and histograms of uncorrected and corrected p-values

data, pval = run_fun(5)
conditionSmall = data[:, 1:2:end]
conditionLarge = data[:, 2:2:end]
pval_uncorrected = 1 .- cdf.(TDist(n_subjects - 1), abs.(ClusterDepth.studentt(conditionSmall .- conditionLarge)))
sig = pval_uncorrected .<= 0.025;

For the uncorrected p-values based on the t-distribution, we get a type1 error over "time":


this is the type 1 error of 5% we expected.


Type-I error is not the FWER (family wise error rate). FWER is the property of a set of tests (in this case tests per time-point), we can calculate it by repeating such tests, and checking for each repetition whether any sample of a repetition is significant (e.g. any(sig) followed by a mean(repetitions_anysig)).

f = Figure();
series!(Axis(f[1, 1], title="condition==small"), conditionSmall', solid_color=:red)
series!(Axis(f[1, 2], title="condition==large"), conditionLarge', solid_color=:blue)
ax = Axis(f[2, 1:2], title="ERP (mean over trials)")

sig = allowmissing(sig)
sig[sig.==0] .= missing
@show sum(skipmissing(sig))
lines!(sig, color=:gray, linewidth=4)
lines!(ax, mean(conditionSmall, dims=2)[:, 1], solid_color=:red)
lines!(ax, mean(conditionLarge, dims=2)[:, 1], solid_color=:blue)

hist!(Axis(f[3, 1], title="uncorrected pvalues"), pval_uncorrected, bins=0:0.01:1.1)
hist!(Axis(f[3, 2], title="clusterdepth corrected pvalues"), pval, bins=0:0.01:1.1)
Example block output

Run simulations

This takes some seconds (depending on your infrastructure)

reps = 500
res = fill(NaN, reps, 2)
Threads.@threads for r = 1:reps
    data, pvals = run_fun(r)
    res[r, 1] = mean(pvals .<= 0.05)
    res[r, 2] = mean(abs.(ClusterDepth.studentt(data)) .>= quantile(TDist(n_subjects - 1), 0.975))

Finally, let's calculate the percentage of simulations where we find a significant effect somewhere

mean(res .> 0, dims=1) |> x -> (:clusterdepth => x[1], :uncorrected => x[2])
(:clusterdepth => 0.054, :uncorrected => 1.0)

Nice, correction seems to work in principle :) Clusterdepth is not exactly 5%, but with more repetitions we should get there (e.g. with 5000 repetitions, we get 0.051%).


if you look closely, the :uncorrected value (around 60%) is not as bad as the 99% promised in the introduction. This is due to the correlation between the tests introduced by the noise. Indeed, a good exercise is to repeat everything, but put RedNoise to WhiteNoise

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